Saturday, 21 February 2009

Hourly comics - 3 & 4

It's the weekend. You get two.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Hourly comics - 1

On the 1st of February, there was a day. This day was hourly comics day (follow link and down the rabbit hole for everyone else's). It was all John Campbell's fault. To ease us both into the internet thing, I'll be posting 1 of these comics a day. This is the first one:
I am sorry the image is so big. The rest are better sized and uploaded.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009


Dear reader,

Things are happening. Simultaneously, the blog launches and Sleep is released into the general public. The launching and releasing are purposefully synchronised as this marks a major effort on my part to be productive and do stuff. Over the following infinity, you should see new things in this space at reasonably regular intervals. I should also mention this blog will not be a web-comic but rather a blog filled with my output (or at least portions of it) which will mostly be comics. Sometimes it will be complete projects, sometimes it will be sketches and poorly put together thing, and sometimes it will be excerpts from completed works.

The first wave of stuff will be mostly recycled material - notably the hourly comic from the 1st of this month - as I catch up and begin producing at a more impressive rate. You should expect a moral tale for our times, Cold Boy, in the near future and then probably some sketches and small comics from my European adventures.

A quick note on Sleep: it took a long time to put together. It's been in development since November (I think) and I've had tendency to increase my workload throughout. It started as a two-page exercise and expanded into it's current nine-page form with hand-cut cover. It is done and I am glad. A sample couple of pages are included in this post, and you can contact me if you'd like one. It is an ultimo-limited edition of printing. I may make another edition upon my return down under, but likely without the hand-cut cover.

Regards and rebukes,
J. Savage

Excerpt grounding:
Sleep is a comic about my sleep paralysis. Below you find a flashback to my Christian childhood.

Sleep p2
Sleep p3